Research, Extension, Planning and Innovation


Ensures the efficient and effective implementation of programs, projects, and activities relative to the development of University employees.

The Planning and Development Office

The Office of the Planning and Development is manned by a Vice President and is responsible of the following core functions:

  • To take charge in defining long term, medium term, and annual development plans;
  • To contribute to the identification, development, and promotion of the University’s aims and objectives in the Strategic Plan;
  • To initiate institutional research, monitoring and evaluating of programs, projects, and activities deemed needed for major institutional decision making;
  • To involve in the planning and programming of major university projects;
  • To assist the University in the preparation and negotiation of externally (local and international) funded projects;
  • To monitor and make recommendations concerning the University’s organizational development through the various clusters of the University, namely, the academics (faculty and students), research & publication, human resource management, administration, external and cultural affairs;
  • To prepare and maintain the University Fact Book; and
  • To prepare the University Annual Report.


The Office of the Vice President for Planning and Development is manned by the Vice President for Planning and Development, a Research Analyst, a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, and an administrative staff. Each academic year, a Monitoring and Evaluation Team is formed in coordination with the various cluster Vice Presidents and officially designated by the Office of the President at the start of the school year.

Institutional Planning Services

  • Ensure the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development plans for the University and its various units;
  • Integrate quality indicators within strategic or operational plans to measure achievements and institutional effectiveness, monitor activity and develop external and internal reports; evaluate the effectiveness of the planning process and initiate necessary modifications;
  • Identify specific information needs to support continuous improvements;
  • Oversee the dissemination of development plans to stakeholders;
  • Evaluate the University’s current (operational) and strategic plans to ensure they meet the vision, mission, objectives of the University; local and international priorities;
  • Appraise the University’s current strategic plans to ensure that the target of high efficiency and effectiveness in resource allocation and utilization is achieved;
  • Undertake institutional research pertinent to planning undertakings for University management’s decision making; and
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of planning and development undertakings on the University.


  • Oversee and coordinate preparation of major project proposals;
  • Establish linkages and keep/update database of current or potential development partners; and
  • Initiate organizational development undertakings.


  • Ensure the accurate and timely preparation, consolidation and submission of reports related to funded projects;
  • Ensure the timely preparation and enhanced quality of the Annual Report and related documents;
  • Ensure the dissemination of University performance and accomplishments.


  • Keep and update pertinent documents and record relevant to office operations;
  • Ensure accurate and updated information of the University Fact Book; and
  • Perform tasks as maybe assigned by higher authorities.