The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies program aspires to produce globally competitive graduates whose principles, skills, and values are firmly rooted in Filipino culture and are in tune with contemporary global trends and standards. Graduates possess contemporary leadership skills in evaluating, problem-solving, planning, and decision-making for national and global economic development with intrapersonal and interpersonal skills rooted in the Filipino culture. (Basically The same as ECON and the rest of the programs below)
The Bachelor of Arts in Internal Studies aims at producing globally competitive graduates whose principles, skills, and values are not only deeply rooted in the Filipino culture but also attuned to current world trends and standards, that is, graduates who possess:
- contemporary leadership skills in evaluating, problem-solving, planning, and decision-making for national and global economic development;
- intrapersonal and interpersonal skills anchored on multicultural awareness and sensitivity, professionalism, commitment, adaptability, self-confidence, and positive attitude;
- skills in communication, research, and computer technology;
- a multifaceted character that exemplifies the Liceo U. core values of excellence, integrity, loyalty, discipline, and service for God, country and humanity;
- creativity and sense of responsibility for the changing society.