

Physical wellness of the workforce is an essential component of human resource management. It goes without saying that personnel’s physical wellness impacts individual and organizational performance. Hence, cognizant of the importance of physical wellness in the workplace, the University provides her regular academic and non-academic personnel with health insurance program with MAXICARE. The health coverage is fully subsidized by the University.

Part of the healthcare benefits is an annual physical exam. For this year, Healthcheck is the service provider for the three-day annual physical exam (June 9-11) that covers the five basic tests and additional tests (ECG, Pap Smear, FBS, and Total Cholesterol). Being held at the Liceo Civic Center, the physical exam is scheduled in three batches to service the personnel of the three campuses. COVID-19 health and safety guidelines are strictly enforced to ensure everyone’s safety.

By: Liceo Communications and Promotions